Monday, June 30, 2008

Tae boxing, GoDown Art center, and Painting

Something that I have miraculously forgotten to mention is that Blair and I are going to tae boxing at a little gym near our house. It's pretty hilarious and after about 10 mins of the warm up we are soaked in sweat and can't breathe. It feels good. So we feel like badasses and intimidate muggers with our seriously sweet kicking and punching skillz :)

Saturday I went to the GoDown Arts Center with the Binti girls. They performed a few dances and a poem followed by other local performers. Afterward we walked around the gallery. The theme of the event was Life as a Ghetto Girl. Their were blown up photos of scenes from the Nairobi slums, many of which I see everyday. There were also abstract oil paintings which were fabulous. It was capturing to see devastation expressed intricately through art. And really, when you can see it's beauty, it's really not devastation at all.

Yesterday I painted the outside of the Binti Center with a few of the girls. We had fun, made a mess, and got covered in paint :)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, Alisa. Hannah told me about your blog. It sounds like you are having a wonderful time--the perfect combination of broadening your view of the world while serving others.

Nice writing--I really enjoyed all of your entries.

Steve P-D (Hannah's Dad)