Thursday, June 26, 2008

Things is Africa that make me laugh

In no particular order---- :)

1. The guy at Java that 'cleans' the plants (literally wipes the leaves with a cloth)
2. Three wheeled cars.
3. Sales people that try to sell things for 8x times the price and think we won't notice
4. Umi
5. The fact that Nakumatt is all out of soup. Every kind. Just plain out of stock. Huh?
6. The stray kitty that sneaks into our house.
7. The fact we petted and cheetah and didn't die.
8. Everyone being terrified (like run away screaming) of chameleons.
9. Bus rides feeling like the rickety wooden roller coasters from the bad theme parks.
10. Blaring early 90's R and B (it's everywhere)
11. Salim (he sure is sassy)
12. Matatus. Especially the hot pink one.
13. Women that somehow carry something on their head, back, and in both arms and still manage to walk faster than me.
14. People call flat tires 'punctures'. It sounds so sophisticated :)
15. Kids like having their picture taken so much that they jump in front of the camera every chance they get.
16. The guy I saw today walking with a box of baby chickens (all chirping) on his head.
17. The fact that in order to get in or out of the bathroom at Java you have to practically straddle the toilet. Serious design error.
18. Prestige Plaza plays the same 5 songs over and over and over and over.
19. When we fall through the kitchen chairs in our house (For some reason Jane has not screwed the seat to the frame yet). It's more funny when someone else does it, it hurts pretty badly when it happens to you:)
20. When people water the dirt. (Maybe it prevents dust?) Anyway it looks really funny when someone has a hose and is spraying it on a bunch of dirt.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

rofl. Enough said.